Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Matariki is a Maori name for a cluster of stars known as the seven sisters. Matariki literally means the eyes of the god. Maori people believe that Tawhirimatea became so angry that he pulled his eyes out and threw them into the sky.

In traditional times the Maori people dress up into their costumes, make a huge feast with lots of food. They sing songs and dance all night with laughter and happiness. The Maori people had to plant more seeds for the store house during winter. The moari people had to plant more crops. They grow and grow every day.

On Maori new year the children and their parents will go to a mountin and fly their hand made kites into the stars. They send a message to the heaven, to the loved ones. Matariki is a special time of the year. It reminds us of the people that we care for and love.

The Matariki celebration will start on the 6th of June. On full moon or new moon, it will also start when the stars start to appear in the bright sky. Matariki is a fun and enjoyable year to celebrate. Matariki is a year that is important and special to the Maori people and aoteroa. It about the people that we have loved for a long time.

Every year on June we celebrate Matariki with our friends and family. We do fun loving things with our family because we all know we love them.  It is a time to tell story's and rember things in the past

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